Gender on the International Bench

Conference on the impact of gender on the international bench. The conference is the first in the workshop series "Identity on the International Bench" organized by PluriCourts.


Currently women judges make up on average 17% of international courts and tribunals, demonstrating significant disparity regarding the participation of women on the bench across different international legal regimes. Such lack of representativeness can affect the legitimacy of the international dispute settlement process and its outcomes.

The aim of this conference is to analyse causes and effects of the dearth of women judges, and the resulting implications for the legitimacy of international adjudicatory institutions and the judicial decisions rendered. This will for example include an examination of international rules and practices concerning appointment and composition of the bench; judicial behaviour linked to the absence or presence of female judges; and potential effects on compliance with judicial awards

This conference seeks to promote a higher level of understanding of both current challenges and best practices in terms of mentoring, gatekeeping, and sponsoring women on the path towards the international bench. The underlying assumption is that, with an increased gender balance, the normative and social legitimacy of the international judicial process will be enhanced.

This will require an enquiry into the various perspectives concerning gender on the international bench, including judicial/institutional perspectives and the perspectives of governments and private parties.


The "Identity on the International Bench" Workshop Series:


- Geography and Legal Culture

- Religion and Ethnicity

Published June 6, 2017 9:08 AM - Last modified Dec. 12, 2023 10:30 AM