Geography and Legal Culture on the International Bench

The conference is the second in the workshop series "Identity on the International Bench" organized by PluriCourts.

The aim of this conference is to analyse when and how adjudicators’ identity and, in particular, features relating to national origin and legal culture affect the composition of international courts and tribunals, as well as judicial behaviour. The causes and effects of geographic representation requirements, the prevalence of certain educational backgrounds and the professional expertise of adjudicators prior to their appointment, their average age, among other features, as well as the resulting implications for the legitimacy of the international adjudicatory institutions and the judicial decisions rendered, form the main focus.

This conference seeks to promote a higher level of understanding of both current challenges and best practices in terms of assessing and promoting geographic and legal cultural diversity on the international bench. The underlying assumption is that, with increased diversity, the (perception of) normative and social legitimacy of the international judicial process will be enhanced. This will require an enquiry into the various perspectives concerning geographic and legal cultural diversity on the international bench, including judicial/institutional views and the standpoints of governments and private parties. The conference also aims to go beyond these specific perspectives and investigate the intersectionality and the link with other kinds of diversity, such as gender or ethnicity.

Accomodation and conference dinner

Our conference dinner will take place at Parkhotel Den Haag on May 17, 19:00. We therefore recommend that you use this hotel for your accommodation during the conference.

The "Identity on the International Bench" Workshop Series:

- Gender on the International Bench

- Geography and Legal Culture on the International Bench

- Religion and Ethnicity on the International Bench

Published Dec. 8, 2017 2:56 PM - Last modified Dec. 12, 2023 10:33 AM