Webinar: The role and regulation of flexibility in balancing a 100% green electricity system

Webinar held by Kia Marie Jerichau, Director of Flexibility and Balancing, Energinet, Denmark.


Kilde: Istock

Join the Webinar:

This webinar will be hosted on zoom. 
Join here: https://uio.zoom.us/j/61637311494

Documentation on how to use Zoom can be found here: Video Meetings and digital lectures - University of Oslo (uio.no)

About the topic:

What challenges and possibilities do we face when moving towards a green energy system? How do we harvest flexibility potentials and ensure transparent and robust market framework for balancing? These are the questions this webinar will address, looking at practical examples from Denmark.

The speaker:

Portrait of the speaker
Kia Marie Jerichau is Director of Flexibility and Balancing at Energinet, Denmark.

Digital resources from the webinar:

Powerpoint presentation.pdf

Tags: electricity, market design, flexibility, balancing, energy law
Published Sep. 19, 2023 10:28 AM - Last modified May 15, 2024 1:31 PM