Webinar: Compatibility and interoperability among offshore wind parks and grids: the role of certification and standardisation

Webinar held by Sille Grjotheim, Director and Country Manager for Renewables Certification in Norway, Energy Systems in DNV and Assistant Professor Ceciel Nieuwenhout, University of Groningen.

Image may contain: Water, Sky, Cloud, Windmill, Natural landscape.

Illustration photo: European Union official website

About the webinar

The first Offshore Network Development Plan released by ENTSO-E in January 2024 shows the increasing integration of offshore electricity grids and the role to be played by hybrid offshore wind projects. This raises the question of interoperability and the need for standardisation between assets developed as part of offshore grids. Particularly, the integration of a high number of converters delivered by various manufacturers will raise the question of the compatibility between different technologies. During this webinar, we will discuss existing schemes such as project certification of the complete offshore wind farm, grid readiness, grid code compliance and regulatory and legal tools that can be further developed to ensure interoperability in multi-terminal, multi-vendor, offshore HVDC systems.

Join the Webinar:

This webinar will be hosted on zoom. 
Join here: https://uio.zoom.us/j/63669794880

Documentation on how to use Zoom can be found here: Video Meetings and digital lectures - University of Oslo (uio.no)

Time: Tuesday 19 of March 2024, 1:00-2:00 pm CET  Place: Zoom


Sille Grjotheim, Director and Country Manager for Renewables Certification in Norway, Energy Systems in DNV, engaged in project certification of offshore wind farms around the world. She has extensive international leadership experience, working in DNV in various countries more than 30 years with certification, classification as well as having served on the Board of DNV for 9 yrs. DNV is industry partner to the Ocean Grid project.

Sille Grjotheim

Assistant Professor Ceciel Nieuwenhout, University of Groningen. Dr. Ceciel Nieuwenhout is currently an assistant professor in Energy Law at the Groningen Centre of Energy Law and Sustainability, University of Groningen, the Netherlands. She participated in various EU-funded HVDC-related projects, such as PROMOTioN and Ready4DC, and currently participates in InterOpera.

Image may contain: Person, Forehead, Hair, Smile, Eye.
Ceciel Nieuwenhout

Digital resources from the webinar:

Powerpoint presentation: Interoperability across HVDC grid – could project certification contribute to enable “plug and play”? PDF

Powerpoint presentation: Interoperability in Offshore Wind and Offshore Grid Projects – the Legal/Regulatory Side PDF




Professor Dr. Catherine Banet, University of Oslo, Head of the Department for Energy and Resources Law, Norway. UiO is research partner in the Ocean Grid project.


The webinar is organised by the University of Oslo, the Department for Energy and Resources Law, in cooperation with the Green Platform Ocean Grid project and FME NorthWind.

Background documents

ENTSO-E position paper on offshore development: Interoperability

InterOpera explainer video

Tags: Energy Law, Energy Market Design, webinar series
Published Mar. 7, 2024 9:55 AM - Last modified May 14, 2024 5:08 AM