Podcast: “Corporations in the Global Food System and Human Rights”

Find the podcast from the conference “Corporations in the Global Food System and Human Rights” conference in September 2014.

Addo, Michael: The United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights – background, framework and modalities

Bostad, Inga: Welcome to the Conference

Dukes, Graham: What can we learn from experience with medicine policies?

Eide, Asbjørn: Human rights issues in the transitions of the food and agricultural system

Eide, Wenche Barth: Purpose and Overview

Flesland, Randi: Self-regulation or legislation for protecting consumers? The Norwegian experience with reducing marketing of unhealthy food to children

Gomez, Fabio: Legislative and economic measures to decrease the demand for unhealthy food products: potential and practical impacts of a rights - based approach

Haugen, Hans Morten: Patterns of power in decision-making over the use of land for food or income by primary and corporate producers

Havnevik, Kjell: Responsible Agricultural Investments (RAI)

Hellum, Anne: Small water for small food: Protection against water grabbing - a gender and human rights issue

Høglund, Morten: Address to the Conference

Jørgensen, Allan Lerberg: Working with the private food sector towards a human rights policy and due diligence: the case of Nestlé

Langford, Malcolm: Towards an empirical theory of human rights and corporate behaviour? Reflections on a future research agenda

Lobstein, Tim: Marketing of unhealthy foods, especially to children and youth and consequences for obesity and NCD

Mason, Frances: The Importance of the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk substitutes in protecting young children’s’ nutritional status

Roalkvam, Sidsel: Welcome and introduction speech

Roalkvam, Sidsel: Summing up of the first day and plan for the second

Suarez-Franco, Ana Maria: Is a binding treaty crucial to end harmful impacts of some food-related corporations in transforming production and consumption patterns?

Swinburn, Boyd: Civil society increasing the demand for action – what responses to mobilize?

Swinburn, Boyd: Monitoring and accountability systems for healthier food environments

Toebes, Brigit: Corporations and the right to health

Tømte, Aksel: Protection gaps in the palm oil sector – the case of Indonesia

Windfuhr, Michael: Livelihood and sustainability requirements on the producer side – which standards to promote? Illustrated by efforts of the Committee on Wold Food Security

Published Mar. 4, 2016 3:02 PM - Last modified Apr. 8, 2016 12:46 PM